30 January 2009

To the right of the screen

Ok, I'm just going to try this as an experiment. You might have noticed that to the right of the screen I now have a followers space. Why I'm trying this you tell me? I have only spoke of this blog to a handful of people but would be keen to know who views. Squeeze in if you can. Left leg, Right leg, your body will follow. They call it walking. You one as well darling, show me a bit of life then. It's no good standing out there like one o'clock half struck. "Too late, too late" will be the cry when the man with the blog has passed you by.

1000 Awesome Things

Made me smile.

Retro iPhone shots

Create that retro look with iPhone's camera using Camerabag.


I like this, Fontcase enables you to view and print your fonts without installing them, very useful. Thanks Mr T for the link.

29 January 2009

My Fonts

Only just signed up for an account on My Fonts.com - looking at there new site active soon it had to be done.

A Film - 2010

Jim Carry as Murdoch perhaps? Directed by Ridley Scott

28 January 2009

Wooden Vespa

A wooden vespa that actually runs, beautiful, more here.

26 January 2009

23 January 2009

When the Fonz lost his cool!

This is the episode when 'Happy Days' lost the plot, 
the Fonz HAD to jump the enclosed shark, what a shit.
He does make a smooth exit from the sea after the jump, 
I must admit - pure cheese heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy!

22 January 2009

Lost returns

At last, Lost penultimate series is back on Sky this Sunday 25th 
Jan 9 p.m. So, after 70 episodes and a writers strike what do we know... nothing, other than "At last!".


Just installed Cooliris on my mac, a 3D wall that lets you browse thousands of images (Getty too!), videos and more within your Safari environment, also works for the iphone.

Sounds like a good idea

100 Card Designs

A collection of Visa card designs here.

21 January 2009

Video directed by körner union

I wonder if one of these animals developed a concept 
of self-awareness?

20 January 2009

Rainer Spehl

Tilt-Shift Photography

Great effect, make the big appear minuscule. 50 more examples here at Smashing Magazine, be sure to watch the movies shot in this way, fantastic.

19 January 2009


Found via FFFFound

18 January 2009


These posters have been spotted in Berlin and shows just how manipulated they are - cheeky.

Life's for Sharing

Saatchi & Saatchi's latest ad for T-Mobile was produced using hidden cameras to capture the spontaneous reactions from the commuters. I pass through Liverpool Station every day, shame I missed this.

Tony Hart has died, aged 83

The affable presenter inspired children to paint and draw 
on shows like Vision On, Take Hart and Heartbeat for nearly 
50 years before he retired in 2001.

16 January 2009

Durex - Get it on!

Flickr Set Insect54

A beautiful Flickr set by Insect54, via FFF, found myself fixed clicking through some fantastic work by the likes of Wim Crouwel + Saul Bass.

15 January 2009


A great way to search images on flickr

14 January 2009

Berlin Design

Some 'tall poppies' which I hope to see soon on my visit to Australia for a coldie/stubby/tinny, has there company 
Berlin Design,  good on'ya sheila, ace!

G'day mate

Great work from Australia's Cornwell

Daniel Eatock

Pantone pen prints by Daniel Eatock

Thomas Forsyth

Drawing tops by Thomas Forsyth

13 January 2009

12 January 2009

Search by colour

great search site that's very useful for a conceptual mood board. By picking a colour/s, flickr creates an interesting image suite to support any brand idea. 

09 January 2009

Steve Jobs' 2005 speech

Steve Jobs has a way with words, "it's impossible to look forward but when you look back...the dots join up". Strangeley I liked the last story on death, moving. I bet they all threw there hats in the air at the end.


These french guys decide to climb a very tall crane 
- only eight pull-ups, woos!


Looks like fun, the 360 wins an award, stick your feet inside the wheels and of you go - somehow. 

08 January 2009


Watched 'Helvetica' this evening, very good.

40 Inspiring speeches in 2mins

Gets you right there.


Appeared in December's issue of 'Advanced Photoshop' - nice one Mr Stack - see more of his work here.

07 January 2009

Logo trends

Mmmm, I used a few of those a in 2004/7

Pimp my logo

The brand comes alive in a selection of idents by PML

King Ken

06 January 2009

Design you trust

A great source of inspiration

Plastic & Metal Business Cards

I want to use these guys - who needs a new business card?


Who can I use this for?


For the mac